[Savonet-users] After source.skip: Remaining songs of previous track are played
René Jaun
2017-02-08 21:47:44 UTC
Hello Savonet community!

Let me start by thanking all of you, the developers, the supporters, the
donors of liquidsoap. this is an awesome product. And thank you so much
for doing such great work!

I'm involved in a non-profit station called Radio Blind Power.

Currently, LiquidSoap already helps us getting our live shows on air and
to our listeners (we focus on providing audio descriptions for the blind
of Swiss Football League games).

And we plan on using it in the future for playlist and schedule management.

Well, at the moment, I'm working on a problem which occurs when using
the source,skip function.

My idea is simple: As soon as our live feed ends, our standard music
playlist kicks in, starting with a new track.

this basically works, except that before starting the new track, a few
seconds of the previous song (the one that was interrupted when the live
feed kicked in) can be heard.

I think it has to do with the smart_crossfade function; at least, an
error message appearing in the Log File seems to suggest that.

the standard music source we use is defined as:

musicstream = mksafe( smart_crossfade( eat_blank( at_beginning=false,

And the transition function I use is:

def BackHome(old,new) =




And here is the WARNING appearing in the log file whenever my problem

"[smart_cross_5114_before:3] Warning: #get called when not #is_ready!
This is normal if an operator using this source has been unused while
the source has gone unavailable. If unsure about this warning, you are
very welcome to report it and ask for clarifications.."

So I was wondering if there is some kind of (other) "flushing" I should
perform on our Music Playlist, to clear out those remaining few seconds
of the previously played track.

Could you point me to a solution for that?

Best Regards,

Romain Beauxis
2017-02-10 16:39:28 UTC
Hi René!

Thanks for your support. We're always very proud and honored to see awesome
use of the software like you guys do!

Your problem has been raised before. I believe you might be able to do it
by tackling the issue from the other end: could you try to trigger the
source.skip when switching away from the file-based source? Something like:

def transition(old,new) =

That way, the old source would consume all of its remaining buffer before
switching away and also have time to prepare a new track for the next time
you switch back to it..

Hope this help,
Post by René Jaun
Hello Savonet community!
Let me start by thanking all of you, the developers, the supporters, the
donors of liquidsoap. this is an awesome product. And thank you so much
for doing such great work!
I'm involved in a non-profit station called Radio Blind Power.
Currently, LiquidSoap already helps us getting our live shows on air and
to our listeners (we focus on providing audio descriptions for the blind
of Swiss Football League games).
And we plan on using it in the future for playlist and schedule management.
Well, at the moment, I'm working on a problem which occurs when using
the source,skip function.
My idea is simple: As soon as our live feed ends, our standard music
playlist kicks in, starting with a new track.
this basically works, except that before starting the new track, a few
seconds of the previous song (the one that was interrupted when the live
feed kicked in) can be heard.
I think it has to do with the smart_crossfade function; at least, an
error message appearing in the Log File seems to suggest that.
musicstream = mksafe( smart_crossfade( eat_blank( at_beginning=false,
def BackHome(old,new) =
And here is the WARNING appearing in the log file whenever my problem
"[smart_cross_5114_before:3] Warning: #get called when not #is_ready!
This is normal if an operator using this source has been unused while
the source has gone unavailable. If unsure about this warning, you are
very welcome to report it and ask for clarifications.."
So I was wondering if there is some kind of (other) "flushing" I should
perform on our Music Playlist, to clear out those remaining few seconds
of the previously played track.
Could you point me to a solution for that?
Best Regards,
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Savonet-users mailing list
René Jaun
2017-02-11 10:36:11 UTC
Hello Romain,
Thanks for this suggestion.
Sadly, my problem remains the same. :-(

My Switch to Live looks like this:
def GoLive(old, new) =
old = fade.final(old)
sequence(old, new)

The Log files indeed now show a new track being chosen at the time we
switch to live.
It goes as far as:
'Method "MAD" Accepted /New/Track.mp3'
Three seconds later, [fade_out:5206/3] issues the "Warning: get called
when not #is-Ready!" message.

Then again, at the time we switch back [smart_cross] issues the not
After that, in the same second actually, the log file says "prepared

I was wondering if it has something to do with the "crossfade" buffer.
Is there a way to re-initialize (or empty) it on purpose?
Thanks again for any help!

Best Regards,
Hi René!
Thanks for your support. We're always very proud and honored to see
awesome use of the software like you guys do!
Your problem has been raised before. I believe you might be able to do
it by tackling the issue from the other end: could you try to trigger
the source.skip when switching away from the file-based source?
def transition(old,new) =
That way, the old source would consume all of its remaining buffer
before switching away and also have time to prepare a new track for
the next time you switch back to it..
Hope this help,
Hello Savonet community!
Let me start by thanking all of you, the developers, the
supporters, the
donors of liquidsoap. this is an awesome product. And thank you so much
for doing such great work!
I'm involved in a non-profit station called Radio Blind Power.
Currently, LiquidSoap already helps us getting our live shows on air and
to our listeners (we focus on providing audio descriptions for the blind
of Swiss Football League games).
And we plan on using it in the future for playlist and schedule management.
Well, at the moment, I'm working on a problem which occurs when using
the source,skip function.
My idea is simple: As soon as our live feed ends, our standard music
playlist kicks in, starting with a new track.
this basically works, except that before starting the new track, a few
seconds of the previous song (the one that was interrupted when the live
feed kicked in) can be heard.
I think it has to do with the smart_crossfade function; at least, an
error message appearing in the Log File seems to suggest that.
musicstream = mksafe( smart_crossfade( eat_blank( at_beginning=false,
def BackHome(old,new) =
And here is the WARNING appearing in the log file whenever my problem
"[smart_cross_5114_before:3] Warning: #get called when not #is_ready!
This is normal if an operator using this source has been unused while
the source has gone unavailable. If unsure about this warning, you are
very welcome to report it and ask for clarifications.."
So I was wondering if there is some kind of (other) "flushing" I should
perform on our Music Playlist, to clear out those remaining few seconds
of the previously played track.
Could you point me to a solution for that?
Best Regards,
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Savonet-users mailing list
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org!http://sdm.link/slashdot
Savonet-users mailing list
Romain Beauxis
2017-02-11 18:52:51 UTC
Hi René,

I think I'm gonna need more of your script to look at this issue.
Would you mind sharing more of it?

Post by René Jaun
Hello Romain,
Thanks for this suggestion.
Sadly, my problem remains the same. :-(
def GoLive(old, new) =
old = fade.final(old)
sequence(old, new)
The Log files indeed now show a new track being chosen at the time we switch
to live.
'Method "MAD" Accepted /New/Track.mp3'
Three seconds later, [fade_out:5206/3] issues the "Warning: get called when
not #is-Ready!" message.
Then again, at the time we switch back [smart_cross] issues the not
After that, in the same second actually, the log file says "prepared
I was wondering if it has something to do with the "crossfade" buffer.
Is there a way to re-initialize (or empty) it on purpose?
Thanks again for any help!
Best Regards,
Hi René!
Thanks for your support. We're always very proud and honored to see awesome
use of the software like you guys do!
Your problem has been raised before. I believe you might be able to do it by
tackling the issue from the other end: could you try to trigger the
def transition(old,new) =
That way, the old source would consume all of its remaining buffer before
switching away and also have time to prepare a new track for the next time
you switch back to it..
Hope this help,
Post by René Jaun
Hello Savonet community!
Let me start by thanking all of you, the developers, the supporters, the
donors of liquidsoap. this is an awesome product. And thank you so much
for doing such great work!
I'm involved in a non-profit station called Radio Blind Power.
Currently, LiquidSoap already helps us getting our live shows on air and
to our listeners (we focus on providing audio descriptions for the blind
of Swiss Football League games).
And we plan on using it in the future for playlist and schedule management.
Well, at the moment, I'm working on a problem which occurs when using
the source,skip function.
My idea is simple: As soon as our live feed ends, our standard music
playlist kicks in, starting with a new track.
this basically works, except that before starting the new track, a few
seconds of the previous song (the one that was interrupted when the live
feed kicked in) can be heard.
I think it has to do with the smart_crossfade function; at least, an
error message appearing in the Log File seems to suggest that.
musicstream = mksafe( smart_crossfade( eat_blank( at_beginning=false,
def BackHome(old,new) =
And here is the WARNING appearing in the log file whenever my problem
"[smart_cross_5114_before:3] Warning: #get called when not #is_ready!
This is normal if an operator using this source has been unused while
the source has gone unavailable. If unsure about this warning, you are
very welcome to report it and ask for clarifications.."
So I was wondering if there is some kind of (other) "flushing" I should
perform on our Music Playlist, to clear out those remaining few seconds
of the previously played track.
Could you point me to a solution for that?
Best Regards,
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Savonet-users mailing list
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Savonet-users mailing list
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Savonet-users mailing list
René Jaun
2017-02-13 21:14:35 UTC
Hello Romain,
Yes of course. I'll paste my script below.
I did recently start breaking some of the long one-liners with many
brackets appart.
Hoping it would make it more understandable for others.
This also enabled me to more easily debug the script.
And I did find that indeed my problem does go away if I don't use the
"smart_crossfade" function. So with "smart_crossfade" off, as soon as
the Live Stream ends, the Standard Program kicks in with a new song.

But without further adue, here is my script as it is so far:

# Our functions
# When we go live, fade out old source and skipt old track, to
# have a new one ready when we come back home.

def GoLive(old,new) =
old = fade.final(old)

# When live is off, simply play the new source (which should
# start with a fresh song).
def ComeHome(old,new) =

# Create our "standard" music program.
# Our HUGE archive of playable music:
MusicCollection = playlist("/mnt/storage/radio/music/bigpile")
# Some favorite tracks to repeat more often
# So our listeners recognize us and /or are annoyed by us (not
# sure which)
HotList = playlist("/mnt/storage/radio/music/hotlist")
# Adding to our recognizability / annoyance
Jingles = playlist("/mnt/storage/radio/jingles")

# Mixing it all together
MusicalCarpet = random(weights = [1, 3], [HotList, MusicCollection])
RadioCarpet = random (weights = [1, 3], [Jingles, MusicalCarpet])
NormalizedCarpet= normalize(RadioCarpet)
NonSilentCarpet = eat_blank(at_beginning=false, threshold=-50.,
max_blank=0.4, NormalizedCarpet)
WovenCarpet = smart_crossfade(NonSilentCarpet)

# Et Voilà
StandardProgram = mksafe(WovenCarpet)

# Our Live source:
livestream = audio_to_stereo(input.harbor("rbpeval", port=8737,
# Trying to distribute tasks amongst processor cores

# trying to make up for volume problems
NormalizedLive = normalize(livestream)

# Next, I'd like to make sure our live source is aired only as
# soon as something more than silence is streamed.
# Simply using the "strip_blank" function resulted in our
# Standard Music being interrupted as soon as someone woule just
# connect to the stream, even when they didn't actually broadcast
# anything yet.
silence = blank()
LiveAndSilence = add([NormalizedLive, Silence])
LiveRadio = strip_blank(threshold=-80., max_blank=1.0, LiveAndSilence)

# Record our live shows, and have them uploaded as soon as the
# stream goes silent (external script)
on_close=fun(s)->system("/home/pi/liquidsoap-daemon/showdealer.sh #{s}"),
buffer(LiveRadio, fallible=true),

# And putting it all together for our global listenership:
ThisIsBlindPower = fallback(track_sensitive=false,
[LiveRadio, StandardProgram])

host = "TestServer", port = 8888,
password = "TestWord", mount = "TestRBP", ThisIsBlindPower)

And that's it.

Thanks for your help! I really appreciate it!

Best Regards,
Post by Romain Beauxis
Hi René,
I think I'm gonna need more of your script to look at this issue.
Would you mind sharing more of it?
Post by René Jaun
Hello Romain,
Thanks for this suggestion.
Sadly, my problem remains the same. :-(
def GoLive(old, new) =
old = fade.final(old)
sequence(old, new)
The Log files indeed now show a new track being chosen at the time we switch
to live.
'Method "MAD" Accepted /New/Track.mp3'
Three seconds later, [fade_out:5206/3] issues the "Warning: get called when
not #is-Ready!" message.
Then again, at the time we switch back [smart_cross] issues the not
After that, in the same second actually, the log file says "prepared
I was wondering if it has something to do with the "crossfade" buffer.
Is there a way to re-initialize (or empty) it on purpose?
Thanks again for any help!
Best Regards,
Hi René!
Thanks for your support. We're always very proud and honored to see awesome
use of the software like you guys do!
Your problem has been raised before. I believe you might be able to do it by
tackling the issue from the other end: could you try to trigger the
def transition(old,new) =
That way, the old source would consume all of its remaining buffer before
switching away and also have time to prepare a new track for the next time
you switch back to it..
Hope this help,
Post by René Jaun
Hello Savonet community!
Let me start by thanking all of you, the developers, the supporters, the
donors of liquidsoap. this is an awesome product. And thank you so much
for doing such great work!
I'm involved in a non-profit station called Radio Blind Power.
Currently, LiquidSoap already helps us getting our live shows on air and
to our listeners (we focus on providing audio descriptions for the blind
of Swiss Football League games).
And we plan on using it in the future for playlist and schedule management.
Well, at the moment, I'm working on a problem which occurs when using
the source,skip function.
My idea is simple: As soon as our live feed ends, our standard music
playlist kicks in, starting with a new track.
this basically works, except that before starting the new track, a few
seconds of the previous song (the one that was interrupted when the live
feed kicked in) can be heard.
I think it has to do with the smart_crossfade function; at least, an
error message appearing in the Log File seems to suggest that.
musicstream = mksafe( smart_crossfade( eat_blank( at_beginning=false,
def BackHome(old,new) =
And here is the WARNING appearing in the log file whenever my problem
"[smart_cross_5114_before:3] Warning: #get called when not #is_ready!
This is normal if an operator using this source has been unused while
the source has gone unavailable. If unsure about this warning, you are
very welcome to report it and ask for clarifications.."
So I was wondering if there is some kind of (other) "flushing" I should
perform on our Music Playlist, to clear out those remaining few seconds
of the previously played track.
Could you point me to a solution for that?
Best Regards,
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Savonet-users mailing list
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Savonet-users mailing list
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Savonet-users mailing list
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Savonet-users mailing list